Tanners Hill, London SE8 Sold


  • Property type

  • Bedrooms

  • Bathrooms



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Purchase Price

(Enter numbers only)

Effective Rate
00.00 %
Tax Band % Taxable Sum Tax
less than £250k 0
£250k to £925k 5
£925k to £1.5m 10
rest over £1.5m 12

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Stamp duty charges

Purchase Price

(Enter numbers only)

Effective Rate
00.00 %
Tax Band % Taxable Sum Tax
less than £250k 3
£250k to £925k 8
£925k to £1.5m 13
rest over £1.5m 15

First Time Buyer

Purchase Price

(Enter numbers only)

Effective Rate
00.00 %
Tax Band % Taxable Sum Tax
less than £425k 0(5)**
£425k to £625k 5
£625k to £925k 5
£925k to £1.5m 10
rest over £1.5m 12
*If the price is over £625,000, you cannot claim the relief. Follow the rules for people who’ve bought a home before.

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Floor Plan

  • 1

Property description

Tenure: Leasehold

Located on the cusp of the St Johns conversation area and moments from Deptford High Street is this spacious two-bedroom apartment situated on the third floor with direct views of the London skyline. Internally, the property offers generously sized rooms throughout with a bright and airy reception room, separate kitchen, bathroom, and WC. 

The apartment is perfectly located within a few minutes of Deptford Bridge DLR, the mainline station, and London Overgound with direct links into Canary Wharf, London Bridge and Shoreditch. Deptford has a wealth of local amenities including local shops, restaurants, bars and Deptford Market YardThe property also benefits from a lovely, well maintained communal garden which is accessible for residents.

Tenure  : Leasehold

Key features

  • Two double bedrooms
  • Excellent transport links
  • Separate kitchen
  • Walking distance to Greenwich, Deptford and New Cross
  • Close to local amenities
  • Ideal first-time purchase
  • Communal Gardens

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