Grosvenor Crescent, Kent DA1 Sold


  • Property type

  • Bedrooms

  • Bathrooms



Stamp Duty Calculator

Single Property

Stamp duty charges

Purchase Price

(Enter numbers only)

Effective Rate
00.00 %
Tax Band % Taxable Sum Tax
less than £250k 0
£250k to £925k 5
£925k to £1.5m 10
rest over £1.5m 12

Additional Property

Stamp duty charges

Purchase Price

(Enter numbers only)

Effective Rate
00.00 %
Tax Band % Taxable Sum Tax
less than £250k 3
£250k to £925k 8
£925k to £1.5m 13
rest over £1.5m 15

First Time Buyer

Purchase Price

(Enter numbers only)

Effective Rate
00.00 %
Tax Band % Taxable Sum Tax
less than £425k 0(5)**
£425k to £625k 5
£625k to £925k 5
£925k to £1.5m 10
rest over £1.5m 12
*If the price is over £625,000, you cannot claim the relief. Follow the rules for people who’ve bought a home before.

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Property description

Tenure: Freehold

Beautifully presented 3 bed family home, located on a popular residential road within easy walking distance to Dartford station and a wealth of local amenities in the town centre. This property has undergone some wonderful cosmetic updates by the current owners which makes this a perfect FTB or ideal purchase if your moving up the property ladder. Benefits include open plan living, private driveway and a 60ft south facing rear garden. The local schooling is great with a healthy mix of both primary and secondary schools close by

Tenure  : Freehold

Key features

  • 3 bedrooms
  • Modern bathroom
  • Modern kitchen
  • Driveway
  • Close to Town Centre
  • Walking distance to Dartford station
  • Double glazing
  • Potenital to extend STPP

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